NiOverride Pose Adjustments ver 0.93

Author: Sesamin

Fomod Installer
Loose version

Special Edition conversion by Andreis
NiOverride Pose Adjustments SE (loverslab)

SKSE 1.7.3+
XPMSE 4.51+
UIExtensions 1.2.0+
NetImmerse Override 3.4.4+ or Racemenu 3.4.5+
PapyrusUtil 3.3+

How to use
[ Numeric keypad 1 ] Display the menu.
Choose bone you want to adjust.
After bone selection,Keep pushing axis[x,y,z]keys and use arrow keys,you can operate bone that you chose.

Left&Right arrow keys : Move bone
Up&Down arrow keys : Rotate bone

[ Numeric keypad 3 ] Reset only selected bone.
Reset only selected bone.
Keep pushing axis[x,y,z]keys and push Num 3,bone will be reset only in designated axis.

[ Numeric keypad 0 ] Reset all bones
Reset all bones and reload settings.json. New settings will be applied.

[ Menu > Setting ] Reload All Json files
When you rewrite json files,choose this and new settings will be applied.

All keys can be changed with “Settings.json”.
You can set keys using DXScanCodes.

Language can be setting too in “Settings.json”.

When you want to use this in English
“langnum”: 0,

When you want to use this in Japanese
“langnum”: 1,

If you rewrite “Settings.json”, please select the fourth from the top of both two menus to reset setting.

How to change posture of NPC

1. Register to member list
- Get and use “Spell Tome: Add to list - NIOPA” (AddItemMenu etc.)
- Cast magic to NPC and register to member list.
-The maximum registration number is 100.

2. Select target from registered members
- Select the NPC you want to adjust from the member list
- You can adjust posture of NPC you selected like your character.
- Regardless of life and death you can adjust.
- Posture save data is common to all characters.

3.Remove unnecessary members from the list
- Please remove NPC whose posture adjustment is unnecessary from member list.
-Please select NPC to be removed from member list from the menu.
-Players can not be removed from member list.
-When removed from member, selected NPC will return its posture to default.
-When removing NPC in operation from member list, NPC will be deleted from member list and operation return to player from NPC.
-If NPC can not be found for reasons such as uninstallation or outside the area, NPC will be removed from member list without posture being reset. If you modify it, please register NPC to member list once and then reset.
-When uninstalling this mod, please remove all but player from member list. (to restore posture to default)

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