Camila, The Relinquished Princess
The life in the desert isn’t easy and she never liked living there, even being a princess. During her adolescence, she used to get a camel and go to a oasis home of a witch to learn to cast spells and perform rituals. Magic was prohibited in her city after the war against the Thalmor. Leaving that stronghold wasn’t easy and the risks of being caught were high. One day she decided that she couldn’t live that life anymore, so relinquished the crown and went to Sentinel, where she knew a strange woman who promised to teach her all the magic she could learn for a price. She accepted the offer without taking care of that price and embarked a ship to a unknown archipelago of three islands far from Tamriel, where she felt being home. She goes to a tamrielic city twice a year to take one of Leda’s messages and bring the answer back. That travel usually takes two weeks. The ship rest in the bottom of the sea, when not used, and can’t be destroyed.
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