Alana, The Pathfinder Archer

Born in Valenwood, she was a prodigy child because her hability to feel the essence of someone and see the past where that person was. Her family had to leave the province when the Aldmeri Dominion discovered what she was able. Because of that, she spent her childhood traveling across the forests of Tamriel, always moving to a new place when her last location was found by the Thalmor.

When arrived Skyrim, she was almost an adult and left her family after making two new friends - Gwen and Morgana. Together they were exploring all the Dwemer ruins they could find until the day Morgana self-declared herself as the queen of the Falmer. After that, she decided to live her life by herself and became a private detective. Her career ended when someone contracted the Dark Sisterhood to kill her. Her life was spared by one of the sisters and she had to hide in an ancient Falmer cave for years.

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